Category: Just Call Me MAM Just Call Me MAM
Published: 25 October 2023 25 October 2023

Just Call Me MAM

By Mary Alice Murphy

This evening, just after sunset when it started to get dark, the critters entertained us as we washed dishes.

A couple of Gambel's quail showed up to eat the bird seed on the ground under the feeders. More quail joined them and at last check at least 10 ran around where I could see them out the window above the sink.

Then I looked up from my task to see a spike buck trying to nudge one of the seed feeders. He seemed not too happy with the ones on the ground and wanted fresh ones, I guess. He didn't succeed in getting to the fresher seeds.

Pretty soon, another young buck, a three-pointer, showed up, along with two does and one young'un from this year. They proceeded to drink most of the water in the bird bath, which is about 8-10 feet beyond the feeders. One of the does stood in the low birdbath, maybe trying to get the water to tip to one side, since it was emptying quite quickly?

But you're wondering why the do-si-do.

Well, in between quail running back and forth and dodging deer feet and the deer moving, almost in formation, often weaving in and out of the others, and below the feeders and back and forth to the seed on the ground and the birdbath, it seemed like a choreographed dance party.

The windows and the doors were closed, but putting pots and pans away always makes a clatter, so when the pots clanged, a deer or two would look up to check on us humans bothering them and distracting them from their purpose, which was to fill up before finding a good place to rest for the night.

The quail left first, headed eastward, probably to find a good bush or slash pile (from trimming dead tree branches) to hunker down for the night. The deer headed northward and jumped over the barbed wire fence between us and our next-door neighbors.

When I've gone out some nights with a flashlight, I sometimes see their eyes reflecting back at me from their comfy beds. Sometimes, they stay at our place under a nice sheltering juniper or piƱon tree.

I've scared up many a quail from their hiding places when I've walked the roads.

I love living where we can enjoy the antics of our animal friends. It's our privilege to share their homes.

May your musings bring you beauty!