Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 27 February 2017 27 February 2017


WASHINGTON ' U.S. Senator Tom Udall released the following statement on President Trump's 2018 budget proposal. Udall is a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, ranking member of the Appropriations subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies, member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.

"President Trump's budget framework is the wrong path for New Mexico families. Despite the president's rhetoric, this plan does nothing to make America stronger. I'm fully committed to supporting a strong national defense, including support for New Mexico's Air Force bases and White Sands Missile Range, but this proposal would undermine our diplomatic efforts and shrink America's influence abroad - all while making our nation weaker here at home. In order to give the wealthiest people more tax cuts, his plan would indiscriminately and recklessly slash funding for critical programs that protect clean air and clean water, promote American strength around the world, and benefit working people. I am deeply concerned about the impact his plan would have on critical Tribal programs, as well as Interior Department agencies like the National Park Service. And it would cripple the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to protect American families and help preserve our planet for future generations, robbing from the agency's already thin resources.

"President Trump promised to focus his attention on creating jobs and growing the economy, but this budget blueprint shows that in fact he will break that promise. You don't create jobs by decimating our investments in crucial programs that strengthen working families, protect consumers, and expand economic opportunity. With so many New Mexicans still struggling to find work and make ends meet, a plan that benefits the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of working people is a deeply misguided approach. I will continue to fight for a budget that has the right priorities for the people of New Mexico."