Beta Sigma Phi celebrated Veterans Day

TauChVetDayPreceptor Tau Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi celebrated Veterans day by honoring Veteran residents at Fort Bayard Medical Center.

Chapter members prepared gifts of soft drinks, treats and pillows for each Veteran.  Through various fund raising projects, the Chapter is able to support service projects throughout the community.

Shown unloading gifts are members Shelley Topmiller, Leticia Obar and Maria Elena Sanchez, assisted by staff from Fort Bayard Medical Center.

Gila Native Plant Society Program - November 17, 2023

CirsiumGrahamiiPhoto of the flower of a Graham’s Thistle – photo credit John Gorey“A New Thistle Species in the High Mogollon Mountains?” – Presentation by biologist John Gorey, sponsored by the Gila Native Plant Society

On Friday, November 17, 2023, at 7:00 pm, the Gila Native Plant Society will feature a presentation by John Gorey, wildlife biologist, entitled ““Graham's Thistle Update 2023 and New Thistle Species of the High Mogollon Mountains?” The program will be presented live at Harlan Hall on the WNMU Campus in Room 111, as well as via Zoom for those who prefer to attend online. As always, the public is welcome. Anyone interested in joining in the Zoom presentation may request a link from .

While researching the rare Graham’s Thistle (Cirsium grahamii) in the mountains in 2022, John Gorey came across another thistle that he could not immediately identify. Experts on New Mexico flora whom he consulted speculate that it may be a species new to science, endemic to the high Mogollons. Funded by grants from the Native Plant Society of New Mexico and the Gila Chapter, this past year he not only followed up his  previous sightings of Graham's Thistle with surveys for the plant in new areas, but also launched a new, exciting rare plant expedition in the high elevations of the Mogollon Mountains. He will present his findings (on both the plants and the pollinators) from 2022 and 2023.

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Advanced Airlines now serving Carlsbad

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GRMC Auxiliary Volunteers Over 7,630 hours to Hospital

GRMC AuxThe Gila Regional Medical Center Auxiliary team recently conducted their annual banquet and award ceremony where 39 volunteers were recognized for dedicating 7,635 hours to the hospital in 2023. Those hours are equivalent to donating $91,620 to the hospital in support services. Anetta Pena, an Auxiliary member, was named the volunteer with the most service hours in the past year with 586 total volunteer hours. Eileen Smith came in second place with a total of 527.50 hours and Emilie Roybal came in third with 468.75 hours. Volunteer Eileen Smith is currently the holder of the volunteer with the most service hours over the course of her time as an Auxiliary member with over 10,000 hours given to GRMC support services.

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Gila Regional Admits First Swing-bed Patient

img 7255 editedMartha Trammell is surrounded by GRMC staff members to celebrate her success in the program as the first swing-bed patient. (Courtesy Photo)

November 6, 2023 - Gila Regional Medical Center is excited to announce the admission of the very first swing-bed patient and has successfully utilized the program. A swing-bed service is available to rural and Critical Access Hospitals who have a Medicare provider agreement. This agreement allows for a patient to transition from receiving acute care to Skilled Nursing Facility care without needing to leave the hospital.

"I did not know this was an option at first, but I am glad [because] it has been very helpful to me," expressed Martha Trammell, the first GRMC swing-bed patient.

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Veterans' Day discounts 2023

[Editor's Note: If you have a discount for veterans on Veterans' Day or other times, please send a notice to and we will post them on this page.]

Discounts for Veterans in honor of Veterans' Day

Grant County Beat offers 10 % discounts for any display ads about veteran events from veteran service organizations all year.

Recreation Works in Bayard will offer all Veterans 10% off any parts or service for the month of November.  575-489-8986

Recycling at its Best

FlagPoleSilver City Masonic Lodge recently erected a piece of History in Grant County. A couple of Brethren spent many days restoring and getting the Historical Flag Pole operational again.

The 40’ steel Flag pole was originally at the Hurley Post Office. When it was removed, it later saw service at the Tyrone Masonic Lodge. After that Lodge was sold, it was stored for future use. This year the aforementioned Brothers decided to erect it at the Silver City Lodge.

So here it currently stands, proudly displaying Old Glory for all to see.

Town Launches New Lodgers' Tax Payment Process

Silver City -- Owners of short-term rental properties in Silver City now have the option of paying their monthly lodgers' tax online, beginning with the October billing cycle. Earlier this year, town management contracted with Avenu Insights & Analytics for the collection of the five-percent lodgers' tax, which is levied on gross rental receipts from stays at local hotels, motels and short-term rental properties. Short-term rentals are defined as offering stays of less than 30 days. Avenu contractors identified 94 short-term rentals, several of which that had not yet been registered with the town.

"We're pleased to be able to offer this convenient payment and tax reporting process online," said Jacqui Olea, Silver City's community development director. "We ask that short-term rental owners carefully review the information packet sent out recently by Avenu Insights, and make sure that they've registered their business with the town."

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